Crossing Heaven III
Little one,
even if you are full of trauma.
Even if you are full of drama.
Even if you feel like, you are broke
And broken.
Even if you do not fully know, who you are.
It changes nothing really.
You are bound for Great adventures.
You are bound for Great Love.
You are bound for Greatness.
Not the Greatness of fast cars and big buildings.
Though you can totally have all of that if you want.
But the Greatness of being, breathing and experiencing all the richness of Life.
And life has no boundaries.
It knows no limits.
And it wlil not lead you
For remember little one , as the Crimson one said:
ALL is truly WELL in ALL of Creation.
Simply allow, the magic of LIFE to flow through you.
As you have, so many, many times before.
and see
what happens