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Know yourself through poetry challenge

Know yourself through poetry challenge

31-day poetry challenge

I will read one poem every day, it will be a meditation, an energetic transmission and a healing.

You will commit to take 15 min a day to meditate with the message and the energy of the poem

Recordings will be available for people who join.

20 EU per challenge for the first 10 people for others 40 EUR per challenge

Everyone who joins gets a copy of my book Healingtree. And membership in a special private group, for support and social motivation. Anyone interested? comment yes and ask for more

payment : paypal

link to event

DISCLAIMER : this programme is not intended in any way, shape or form to represent any form of medica, legal or financial advice.

Personal reflection, meditation and Beauty in general can, have a positive effect on general wellbeing, but is never to be understood a replacemeant for medical or psychological treatment.

Consider this a form or refelction, prayer and art.

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