And how they came to be : )
The Rainbow and Rain
The Story of the magical T-shirt
I was taking part in another of the transformational workshops by my Teacher Ger, I have asked to have my life totally changed on all levels in 6 days.
And it happened.
Not the way I wanted to, but the way it was intended.
As I was going to the workshops in the morning and leaving home I kept seeing really cool T-shirts with amazing messages, exactly at the time I needed them.
So I realized Universe was talking to me through the t-shirt.
I kept getting the image of the Rainbow and the Spirit of Hawaii, that I have once visited.
So I decided to create an amazing inspiring t-shirt with an uplifting message.
MY friend magician designer, designed the symbol that contains runes, and parts of reiki symbols and as such radiates positive energy, as some people who wear them have actually informed me.
They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes and are available to everyone.
Ask for one and see how it inspires you and allows you to become a walking messenger of Joy, without needing to say
a word :)
I am not asking for one miracle, I am asking for my whole LIFE to be miracolous!
Ask and ye shall receive! :)
Ask for yours and see what happens! :)
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