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My ancestors are NOT at the graveyards.

My ancestors are NOT at the graveyards.

No, my ancestors are not at the graveyrads.

Despite the stones with their names on it, this is not where they rest.

I cannot say for sure, where they are, or what world they inhabit, but I KNOW

they are next to me.

Some more,some less, but I feel them with me every day,

Praying, guiding, directing, protecting, doing all the things, I would want to, when I become the ancestor.

They are not perfect, but some of them are very wise.

They are powerful Lights, Bonfires, shining their light upon this vale of tears.

My ancestors are NOT in the graveyards

They are, for better of for worse




Go find yours.

You might the surprised, where the roots of that ancient tree go...

IF you seek with love, respect and an open heart,

they will NOT lead you


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