"Fuck it, if it's Valhalla time its' Valhalla time! "
"The Ancestors" Maribor 30.7.2022
When you live your life magickally
you don't just go places.
Places come to you and you to to them, and into them, and you BECOME them.
You sit on rock and rock speaks to you.
You travel and the Sea and Sea sings songs to your soul.
When you sit in field of violet bush flowers you cannot name, you only know they grow in the north...
you sink in, into the Mystery,
of all the things LIfe has prepared for you.
You walk the ancient lines of memories, carved into your heart, flowing in your blood.
And you wait, as long as it's needed, no matter how dark or intense it gets..
for the Call.
And when the Call comes, you pack your little bag and walk.
To the direction the North Wind will take you and the North Star will show you the Way.
There is no other way to live.
There is no other way, to be willing to die.
All else, is merely
dust in
the wind.