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Blessings of the Land of Ice and Fire

Blessings of the Land of Ice and Fire


What I have learned from Icelanders

Maybe all of them as not as perfect, wise, and loving as the bunch I have met,

but all of them surely reflect a part of it.

They have shine in their eyes, and their Gods and their ancestors are ALIVE:

They are kind and loving, and free.

And they put no boundaries to love and have an amazing trust in LIFE,

Nature has to be written with a capital letter, for She is ALIVE.

And the rocky volcanic mountains are alive and permeated by the sound of Silence.

And the kindness they offer, once you have been accepted into a group, is beyond compare.

I learned that Magic can happen and there are endless expanses of Space, inside and outside.,

Each one of them carries the mountains, the rivers, and the waterfalls inside them.

And there is abundance, and Peace IS possible.

Icelandic water will heal you, every breath is as healing as it gets, and the views and panoramas will take you.

And you will always carry them inside you.

And there is no sin, and LOVE is free and available for all.

This much more I have learned from the Beautiful souls I came across.

May they be blessed, and may all beings of all worlds receive the blessings of the land of Ice and Fire.


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