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The Jewels of Sufism and True Islam

For anyone who is brainwashed by the very effective anti-Muslim propaganda:

In all my journeys around the world and search for spiritual Truth I have gone to many places

and risked everything for even a chance of a slide of a mirror reflection of that Truth.

And I have met many masters and teachers and all of them were great.

However I have to admit, that I have met one Sheikh once, maybe twice for a few hours, and that meeting,

I have reached the highest heights of Light that I ever had.

And it kickstarted my whole journey of exploration.

As for the other Sheikh I never actually met, I just watched YouTube videos and I have received so much wisdom,

Light, Healing, protection, Joy, and deep spiritual secrets I know nothing about.

I would not fit for a good or even real student of any of them, for I am too fickle and lack humility.,

But only what I have received I am forever grateful.

So yes there are extremists in every religion and region.

But I have yet not met one in the Islamic Sufi tradition.

Just food for thought.

The first Sheikh is in the holy city of Sarajevo.

The second one you can find on YouTube.

And just to set the records straight: every person who sells burek in Sarajevo is lightyears ahead of me completely and totally enlightened.

Just go to Sarajevo if you can, if not watch some youtbe videos :)

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