The Power of Nightmares
We have been sold nightmares.
Serially, consecutively, intentionally.
By a borg conglomerate of poeple who call themselves leaders.
Deluded as they are, and as much their hearts are closed... we have a much bigger problem.
The problem is that nighmares (even if they come true and they usually don't) are not a fertile ground for growing dreams.
Dreams of a better future, dreams of a higher Love, dreams of innovation and the infinite expanse ; a human mind desperately needs to be able to imagine a better tommorow.
And if it can't, it does not have long shelf life.
I believe in the power and Beauty of my dreams, despite, or particularly BECAUSE of all the nightmares the AI controlled machine is throwing at us daily.
A wise man, Alan Curtis, more than a decade ago made an awesome documentary on the power nightmares. (
He saw what was coming.
It got worse.
So we are here to make it